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    The page searchers see after they’ve entered their query into the search box. This page lists several Web pages related to the searcher queries, sorted by relevance. Increasingly, search engines are returning blended search results, which include images, videos, and results from specialty databases on their SERPs.

    See Also:

    SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage

    Search Engine Results Page

    Signifies Search Engine Results Page, SERP is the listing of web pages returned in response to a keyword query by a search engine.

    Understanding of SERP is absolutely crucial for a SEO which helps them to optimize a site effectively. SERP typically contains 3 types of listings:

    • Automatically generated results and automatically generated by a search engine spider.
    • Results that are added by a human moderator.
    • Paid listings which are often advertisements for a particular product or service.

    Organic search engine results: Also called as natural search engine results, are listing added by the search engine’s spider. Many Companies hire writers and consultants that are experienced enough in search engine optimization techniques for Organic search engine results.

    How SERP is generated

    Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Live Search mainly uses content contained within the Metadata tags of a web page which makes up a search snippet. Title of the snippet will comprise of the title tag and the contents of the description tag are used for the description.

    Getting listed in Google’s SERP

    This can be done by:

    • By removing stuffed keywords from the web pages: Some common belief’s, to optimize a website for multiple keywords is to add them on every web page and separate them with a comma. This is done by using extremely long Meta tags with dozens if not hundreds of keywords. Google high ranking cannot be achieved by this method. To attain high Google ranking this should be avoided.
    • By optimizing different pages of the website with different keywords: Optimizing one page with all the keywords is equivalent to optimizing different pages of the website for different keywords. This would give healthier results.
    • By Adding keyword modifiers and combine these variations: It is a good idea to combine all of the keyword variations in one sentence. With this a single sentence, a web page can be found for many keyword combinations that are included in this sentence.

    In the market there are many SERP checking tools available, many of these are free of cost.






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