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    Server (Web Server)


    server is a computer that stores information, and “serves” that information to viewers who request to see it. Everything that you see on the Internet is stored somewhere on a server.

    See Also:

    SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage


    Server (Web Server)

    A server is a computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages. All Web servers have an IP address and possibly a domain name. Suppose if the user enters the URL in the browser, this sends a request to the server whose domain name is The server after that fetches the page named and propels it to the browser. It is a grouping of hardware or software designed to provide services to clients.

    A Web server is a computer program that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients and serving them HTTP responses along with optional data contents which usually are web pages such as HTML documents and linked objects. Each Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name.

    Any computer can be revolved into a Web server by installing server software and connecting the machine to the Internet. There are many web server software applications like public domain software from NCSA and Apache, and commercial packages from Microsoft, Netscape and others.

    Each and every computer on the Internet must have a Web server program. Two foremost web servers are Apache , the most widely-installed Web server, and Microsoft’s Internet Information Server ( IIS ). Other Web servers comprise Novell’s Web Server for users of its NetWare operating system and IBM’s family of Lotus Domino servers, primarily for IBM’s OS/390 and AS/400 customers.

    Web servers often come as part of a larger pack up of Internet- and intranet-related programs for serving e-mail, downloading requests for File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) files, and building and publishing Web pages. Deliberations in choosing a Web server include how well it works with the operating system and other servers. And what its ability to handle server-side programming, publishing, and security characteristics search engine, and site building tools that may come with it.

    How Web Servers Work

    A bit more detail on the processing of getting a Web page onto our computer screen. If the user wants to open a URL “”.Here are the basic steps that occurred behind the scenes:

    • The browser split the URL into three parts:

      • The protocol(i.e. http)
      • The server name(
      • The file name( i.e. about-us.htm)
    • The browser conversed with a name server to translate the server name “” into an IP Address which it employs to connect to the server machine.
    • The browser then formed a correlation to the server at that IP address on port 80.
    • Chasing the HTTP protocol the browser sent a get request to the server asking for the file
    • The servers then send the HTML text for the Web page to the browser.
    • The browser read the HTML tags and formatted the page onto our screen.






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