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    Cross Linking


    Cross linking is linking across content within the same site. This is often used for navigation. This is not an acceptable form of linking if you are looking for link popularity.

    See Also:

    SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage

    Cross linking is the process of linking between two sites. They may or may not be owned by the same person, cross linking is the process on which the internet is built. It allows users to navigate sites with content similar to that which they are already viewing and may be of further related that are of interest to them.

    Crosslinking, Cross Linking or Reciprocal Linking all are synonyms.
    Crosslinking your website to others related to the subject of your site or site pages can improve your placement and page rank. Your reciprocal linking approach should be based on two simple factors.

    Here the concern is all about relevant content. Meaningful code, page text and exchanging the link reciprocally.
    Cross linking serves an interesting purpose in terms of search engine optimization. Link popularity is one of the significant factors involved in, how search engines determine the value, its importance and relevance of sites on a given topic. This computation is then reflected in the site’s search ranking.

    Some Do’s and Don’ts of Cross Linking:

    Cross linking between sites is a popular method of search engine marketing. Both reciprocal links and inbound links can be valuable SEO tools providing cross linking which is used effectively, especially if you are the owner of both web sites.
    Some rules to remember while cross linking:

    Cross linking is useful only if it makes sense and it is not overdone.






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