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    Dead link


    An internet link which doesn’t lead to a page or site, probably because the server is down or the page has moved or no longer exists.

    See Also:

    SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage

    Dead Links

    A dead link is also called as broken link or dangling link; which is a link on the World Wide Web that tips to a web page which is permanently unavailable. The majority of common result of a dead link is a 404 error. This digit indicates that the web server responded, but the specific page could not be found. Sometimes, the browser may also give DNS error which indicates that a web server might not be found at that domain name. It is also quite possible for link also that link might be dead because of some type of blocking like content filters or firewalls.

    A different type of dead link is a URL which points to the website which are unrelated to the content required. This type of error occurs due to lapse of domain name and is subsequently re-registered by some other party.
    Link deterioration is the course by which links on any website steadily become irrelevant over the time as the sites to which they link may disappear, modified content, or redirect to some other locations.

    Dead links are a common place on the Internet which can also occur on the authoring side. This might occur when website content is accumulated, deployed or without appropriately authenticating the targets, or may be not kept up to date. As broken links are little bit annoying sites containing them are regarded as unprofessional.

    Solution for Broken Links
    • The most apparent form of link organization is utilizing link checking software which test every link on a website for its soundness. An example is Xenu’s Link Sleuth.
    • Content organization Systems is another solution to the maintenance of links; means links must be updated with content which is modified or moved from the site.
    • Perm linking stops broken links by assurance that the content will never move.
    • The Wayback Machine functioned by the Internet Archive keeps the historical snapshots of websites.

    The dead link most probably occurs due to the difficulty of updating other websites linking to one’s own. When any visitor clicks on the dead links which is very common on the internet he most probably gets an HTTP 404 error, indicating the resource could not be found.

    The following are some tools which try to rectify this error:
    • The Linkgraph widget helps in getting the URL of the correct page by taking upon the old broken URL through using historical location information.
    • Google technology called Google 404 widget helps to ‘guess’ the correct URL and also provides the user a Google search box to find the correct page.
    • collects the alternate URLs for a broken link by means of Google Cache, user submission and the Internet Archive.






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